

The formation house in Kenya was started in 1989 in Kibera, primarily with students from Latin America. Later, the location in Ongata Rongai was added. In 1997, we began to accept also students from Kenya; subsequently, formation houses in Ivory Coast and Angola were opened.

Following the founding idea, the Yarumal Missionaries generally work in the most marginalized areas and with the poorest people. We usually stay in communities where people are neglected and suffer from hunger, droughts, lack of formal education, violence, and conflicts, among others. Therefore, our students are often placed at various parishes to support and learn from the priest and get fully immersed in the local culture.

We understand that we need to be midwives, caretakers, providers, watchmen, or protectors. And we promote more mentorship than having ‘formators’. The mentorship is to be done in humility, simplicity, mercy, compassion and love by people of integrity and rigorous.