Evening schools for shepherd children have been extended to offer the same opportunity to adults, mainly women and young warriors "morans". For cultural reasons, Samburu families choose among their members the boy or girl with the most "intelligent" natural capacities and abilities to graze, care for and guide animals (cows, goats, sheep and camels). Because these children work all day they do not have the opportunity to go to public school or have a hot meal during the day. The "Lchakuti" shepherds' school is presented as an option that is very well received by the community.
The shepherd schools have a tradition of more than 25 years in our communities in Samburu, currently, we have 12 centres in Barsaloi, 6 in Lodungokwe and 4 in Tuum, where an average of 1200 children are part of them and receive an education process. for a period of three years for five days a week, two hours a night. In addition to the classes, they are given a complimentary meal to strengthen and encourage them in their learning process.
We also have several young people in a scholarship program for high school, colleges and universities, where anyone can establish help us and offer the possibility of education for a boy or girl from the community